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At RichAmigos, we're committed to using a portion of our profits to support charities. We believe in giving back to the community and making a positive impact beyond our business goals. As part of our transparency, we pledge to display information about the charities we support on this page, keeping our users informed about the positive contributions we make to society.

For charity suggestions, please get in touch – your input matters to us!

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Our Donations

Sherenades dance troupe

Sherenades dance troupe

Proud to have extended a helping hand to a dedicated not-for-profit dance troupe, providing support for their participation in dance competitions.

We contributed £100 to assist the club in purchasing clothing for its students, made possible with the help of our generous users. We...

Donation Amount: £100.00

Pro V Gone - Longest golf day in aid of Sophia pregnancy loss support

Pro V Gone - Longest golf day in aid of Sophia pregnancy loss support

We are pleased to contribute a small prize to Declan's cause, marking our first step into charitable giving.

Declan is dedicated to supporting Sophia Pregnancy Loss, a charity offering vital assistance to families grappling with the loss of a pregnancy. His upcoming golf challeng...

Donation Amount: £100.00